BAYSM 2025

Dates: 7-11 April 2025 Online Event
The Bayesian Young Statisticians Meeting
Keynote Speakers
Talks of Blackwell-Rosenbluth Award Winners
Talks with Discussion
Lightning Talks


BAYSM 2025 is the 9th edition of the Bayesian Young Statisticians Meeting: the official conference of j-ISBA, the junior section of the International Society for Bayesian Analysis (ISBA).
BAYSM is held in person in even-numbered years, typically in conjunction with the ISBA World Meeting, and online in odd-numbered years. BAYSM 2025 will be a fully online conference.
BAYSM is a platform for students and early career researchers to interconnect with the Bayesian community. It is an opportunity to get in touch with established senior researchers and start building a knowledge network.
The platform encourages discussion and promotes research in a wide spectrum of fields where Bayesian methods are employed.

All attendees are expected to adhere to the ISBA code of conduct and related policies provided by safeISBA.

A recollection of all previous BAYSM editions can be found here.

Event Starts In:

Keynote Speakers

Samuel Livingstone
University College London (UCL)
Title: Robust sampling from irregular posterior distributions. Some thoughts from a decade of trying.
Abstract →
Julia Palacios
Stanford University
Title: Novel coalescent point process approaches for Bayesian inference of disease and molecular dynamics. 
Abstract →
Fernando Quintana
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Title: On a Class of Repulsive Mixture Models: Some results and applications
Abstract →
Surya Tokdar
Duke University
Title: Not Your Average Statistical Analysis
Abstract →
Stéphanie van der Pas
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Title: Causal conclusions from a cutoff - Bayesian regression discontinuity designs
Abstract →

Blackwell-Rosenbluth Award Talks

Fan Bu
University of Michigan
Title: Data Augmentation Approaches for Inference of Partially Observed Epidemics with Individual Heterogeneity
Abstract →
Raaz Dwivedi
Cornell University
Title: Advances in Distribution Compression and Its Consequences
Abstract →
Qian Qin
University of Minnesota
Title: Spectral gap bounds for reversible hybrid Gibbs chains
Abstract →
Giovanni Rebaudo
University of Turin
Title: Graph-Aligned Random Partition Model (GARP)
Abstract →
Tommaso Rigon
University of Milano-Bicocca
Title: Bayesian analysis of product feature allocation models
Abstract →
Francesca Romana Crucinio
King’s College London (at the time of the award), University of Turin (current affiliation)
Title: Towards a turnkey approach to unbiased Monte Carlo estimation of smooth functions of expectations (with applications to exponential random graphs)
Abstract →


Julyan Arbel, Inria - Univ. Grenoble Alpes
Alexandros Beskos, University College London
Luiz Max Carvalho, Fundação Getulio Vargas
Sameer K. Deshpande, University of Wisconsin–Madison
Sandra Fortini, Bocconi University
Peter Hoff, Duke University
Matteo Iacopini, Luiss University

Pierre E. Jacob, ESSEC Business School
Galin Jones, University of Minnesota
Gregor Kastner, University of Klagenfurt
Fabrizio Leisen, King’s College London
Lizhen Lin, University of Maryland
Hedibert Lopes, INSPER Institute of Education and Research
Peter Mueller, University of Texas at Austin

Long Nguyen, University of Michigan
Garritt Page, Brigham Young University
Catia Scricciolo, University of Verona
Yanxun Xu, Johns Hopkins University
Corwin Zigler, Brown University

Schedule in UTC+0

The schedule below is in UTC+0. Please note that UTC+0 will not be in use anywhere in the world from April 7 to 11. Additionally, some countries will have switched to daylight saving time in March. Please carefully check the time of the sessions you are interested in. You can download an Excel file with the schedule in multiple time zones by clicking the "Download the schedule in multiple time zones" button above. This file correctly accounts for daylight saving time, ensuring that all time conversions reflect the actual times in April.

8:30 - 9:00

j-ISBA welcome

9:00 - 10:00

Keynote talk - Samuel Livingstone

Robust sampling from irregular posterior distributions. Some thoughts from a decade of trying
Abstract →

Bayesian Computation 1

Reinforcement Learning for Adaptive MCMC
Congye Wang, Newcastle University

Learning with Importance Weighted Variational Inference
Daudel Kamélia, ESSEC Business School

Efficient Multivariate Initial Sequence Estimators for MCMC
Arka Banerjee, IIT Kanpur

Methods for network data 1

Dependent stochastic block models for sequences of bipartite networks
Giovanni Romanò, Bocconi University

Enriched zero-inflated stochastic block models
Louise Alamichel, Bocconi University

Rapidly Varying Completely Random Measures: Applications to Extremely Sparse Networks
Valentin Kilian, University of Oxford

Predictive and generalized Bayes

Inference via mixture predictive distributions
Samuele Garelli, University of Bologna

Robust and Scalable Bayesian Inference via Score Matching
Matias Altamirano Montero, UCL

Bayesian Restricted Likelihood, Generalized Bayes and Model Misspecification
Xinyu Zhang, The Ohio State University

Advanced methods for spatial data

Robust and Conjugate Spatio-Temporal Gaussian Processes
William Laplante, UCL

Bayesian Transfer Learning for Artificially Intelligent Geospatial Systems: A Predictive Stacking Approach
Luca Presicce, Università di Milano-Bicocca

BayeSMART: Bayesian Clustering of Multi-sample Spatially Resolved Transcriptomics Data
Yanghong Guo, The University of Texas at Dallas

Bayesian deep learning

Credal Bayesian Deep Learning
Michele Caprio, The University of Manchester

Bayesian Non-Parametric Triple Model: Enhancing Generative Performance with Robust Training Stability
Forough Fazeliasl, University of Alberta

Deep Kernel Posterior Learning under Infinite Variance Prior Weights
Jorge Loría, Aalto University

12:00 - 13:00

Keynote talk - Stéphanie van der Pas

Causal conclusions from a cutoff - Bayesian regression discontinuity designs
Abstract →

Asymptotic theory 1

Fast Power Curve Approximation for Posterior Analyses
Luke Hagar, McGill University

Vecchia Gaussian Processes: Probabilistic Properties, Minimax Rates and Methodological Developments
Yichen Zhu, Bocconi University

Convergence of Statistical Estimators via Mutual Information Bounds
EL Mahdi Khribch, Essec Business School

Multivariate analysis

AddiVortes: (Bayesian) Additive Voronoi Tessellations
Adam Stone, Durham University

Hierarchical Directed Dirichlet Networks for Discrete Graphical Modeling
Alexander Dombowsky, Duke University

Bayesian MANOVA for Handwriting Evidence Evaluation
Lampis Tzai, University of Lausanne and Athens University of Economics and Business

Time-series and dynamic models

A non-informative prior for nonparametric inference on time series
Ylenia Francesca Buttigliero, University of Turin

Sparse Dynamic Bayesian Graphical Models
Luis Gruber, University of Klagenfurt

A dynamic copula model for probabilistic forecasting of non-Gaussian multivariate time series
John Zito, Duke University

17:30 - 18:20

Lightning Talks: Methods and Applications 1

Studying Disease Reinfection Rates, Vaccine Efficacy and the Timing of Vaccine Rollout in the context of Infectious Diseases
Elizabeth Amona, Virginia Commonwealth University

An Interpretable Bayesian Clustering Approach with Feature Selection for Analyzing Spatially Resolved Transcriptomics Data
Huimin Li, University of Texas at Dallas

Citizen science multi-species distribution modelling with Bayesian Neural Fields
Cosmo De Bonis-Campbell, University of Kent

Risk-Shifting, Regulation, and Bailouts. A Bayesian Causal Latent Class Model for Estimating Moral Hazard Effects of Government Assistance
Trambak Banerjee, University of Kansas

An AI-powered Bayesian Approach to Infer Epithelial Layer Numbers from Oral Cancer Pathology Images
Xin Feng, University of Texas at Dallas

Bayesian Probit Multi-Study Non-negative Matrix Factorization for Mutational Signatures
Blake Hansen, Brown University

Modelling eDNA concentration across time and space from qPCR survey data
Milly Jones, University of Kent

Causal inference

Causal Forecasting Using SGDLMs
Luke Vrotsos, Duke University

Bayesian causal forest for three ordered treatment levels
Zizhao Xie, Brown University

Multivariate Causal Effects of Wildfire Smoke on Air Pollution: a Bayesian Causal Regression Factor Model
Dafne Zorzetto, Brown University

Latent Factor Models

Bayesian Matrix Factor Models for Demographic Analysis Across Age and Time
Gregor Zens, IIASA

Spectral decomposition-assisted multi-study factor analysis
Lorenzo Mauri, Duke University

Sparse Bayesian Factor Models with Mass-Nonlocal Factor Scores
Yingjie Huang, Biostatistics Department of Brown University

Improved Sampling and Rank Selection for Poisson NMF in Mutational Signatures Analysis
Jenna Landy, Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health, Department of Biostatistics

15:00 - 16:00

Keynote talk - Surya Tokdar

Not Your Average Statistical Analysis
Abstract →

Environmental Methods and Applications

Bayesian spatio-temporal model for harmful ozone air pollution levels in northern Italy
Michela Frigeri, Politecnico di Milano

Bayesian mixture model to analyze return rate after fires of wild animals in savanna
Martina Amongero, Università di Torino

Linking spanning trees and spatial random partitions: implications for mosquito-borne disease modeling
Jessica Pavani, University of Calgary

17:30 - 18:15

Lightning Talks: Theory, Methods and Computations 1

Measuring dependence of partition on covariates in cluster analysis
Zhaoxi Zhang, University of Edinburgh

Addressing Asymmetric Relationships with Skewed Link Functions in Bayesian Network Modeling
Brisilda Ndreka, University of Connecticut

Personalized predictive modeling with inputs-dependent weighting scheme: A Bayesian treed regression approach
Mingya Huang, University of Wisconsin--Madison

Bayesian Compressed Mixed-Effects Models
Sreya Sarkar, The University of Iowa

BACON: Bayesian Clustering of n-gons Via a Double Truncated Dirichlet Mixture Model
Bryn Brakefield, The University of Texas at Dallas

Flexible spatial covariate modeling and prediction using Bayesian additive regression trees
Alex Ziyu Jiang, University of Washington

Methods for Network Data 2

Bayesian Deep Generative Models for Multiplex Networks with Multiscale Overlapping Clusters
Yuren Zhou, Department of Statistical Science, Duke University

Nested exemplar latent space models for dimension reduction in dynamic networks
Jennifer Kampe, Duke University

Exchangeable random permutations for graph matching
Francesco Gaffi, University of Maryland

Regression Methods

Bayesian Model Averaging for Linear Regression Models With Heavy-Tailed Errors
Shamriddha De, The University of Iowa

Scalable piecewise smoothing with BART
Ryan Yee, University of Wisconsin--Madison

Continuous binomial regression for proportional data with Kolmogorov-gamma data augmentation
Changwoo Lee, Duke University

Bayesian Nonparametrics for Multi-Sample Data

Discovering the number of species in multiple areas
Alessandro Colombi, University of Milan-Bicocca

Measuring Dependence under Partial Exchangeability with Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces
Francesco Mascari, Bocconi University

Model-based Clustering with Hierarchical Shot Noise Cox Processes
Alessandro Carminati, Politecnico di Milano

Methods for Biostatistics and Population Estimation

A Bayesian joint competing risks model to assess the cause of death in heart failure patients
Jesús Gutiérrez-Botella, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

Fast approximation of the operating characteristics in clinical trials
Susanna Gentile, Sapienza University of Rome

Plant-Capture Methods for Estimating Homeless Population Size from Uncertain Plant Captures
Yiran Wang, Yale University

14:00 - 15:00

Keynote talk - Fernando Quintana

On a Class of Repulsive Mixture Models: Some results and applications
Abstract →

15:00 - 16:30

Blackwell-Rosenbluth Award 1

Fan Bu, University of Michigan, Data Augmentation Approaches for Inference of Partially Observed Epidemics with Individual Heterogeneity
Abstract →

Raaz Dwivedi, Cornell University, Advances in Distribution Compression and Its Consequences
Abstract →

Qian Qin, University of Minnesota, Spectral gap bounds for reversible hybrid Gibbs chains
Abstract →

Applications and Education

US COVID-19 school closure was not cost-effective, but other measures were
Nicholas Irons, University of Oxford

Bayesian ideas as a gateway to statistical thinking
Rosina Savisaar, Mondego Science

Asymptotic Theory 2

Consistency of Graphical Model-based Clustering: Robust Clustering using Bayesian Spanning Forest
Yu Zheng, University of Florida

Bayesian Inverse Problems with Non-Gaussianity and Misspecification
Youngsoo Baek, Duke University

Rate-minimax Bayesian Prediction with Horseshoe Prior
Percy Zhai, The University of Chicago Booth School of Business

Bayesian Computation 2

Gradient-Bridged Posterior: Bayesian Inference for Implicit Function Models
Yaozhi Yang, University of Florida

Scaling limit of stochastic gradient algorithm for latent variable models
Xiaoyu Wang, Boston University

Sampling from high-dimensional, multimodal distributions using automatically tuned, tempered Hamiltonian Monte Carlo
Joonha Park, University of Kansas

08:00 - 08:50

Lightning Talks: Methods and Applications 2

Bayesian Approaches to Predicting Individual Treatment Effects in Precision Medicine
Pamela Solano, Regensburg University

Evaluating the Geographical Patterns of Intimate Partner Violence in Nigeria Using INLA-SPDE Approach
Micaela Arcaio, University of Palermo

Spatial Modelling of Residential Real Estate Prices in Bengaluru, India
Kapil Gupta, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore

A Bayesian hierarchical model for CO2 flux estimation with multivariate satellite data
Josh Jacobson, University of Wollongong

Bayesian Weighted Random Forests for High-Dimensional Longitudinal Cancer Genomic Data
Oyebayo Ridwan Olaniran, University of Ilorin

A Bayesian Approach to Estimating Risk Ratio in a Fuzzy Regression Discontinuity Design
Mariam Adeleke, University College London

Spatial heterogeneity in the effects of covariates on income distributions using Bayesian nonparametric methods
Ziyou Wang, King's College London

09:00 - 10:00

Lightning Talks: Theory, Methods and Computations 2

Eliciting Some generalisations of Dirichlet distributions for Multinomial models
Nayana Unnipillai, The Open University

Extending Bayesian score calibration with flexible transformations
Adam Bretherton, QUT, Centre for Data Science

Adaptive variational inference for Gaussian processes
Dennis Nieman, Humboldt University Berlin

Extended Tail Index Regression
Myung Won Lee, University of Edinburgh

MCMC Importance Sampling via Moreau-Yosida Envelopes
Apratim Shukla, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Enhancing Simulation-Based Inference with Approximate Bayesian Computation
Antoine Luciano, Paris Dauphine University

Bayesian Markov-Switching Partial Reduced-Rank Regression
Maria Fernanda Pintado, Queen Mary University of London

Diffusion score matching Bayesian filtering: Properties and proficiency under reduced assumptions
Hans Reimann, Heidelberg University

Model-based clustering

Methods to incorporate informative priors into Bayesian mixture models
Matilda Pitt, University of Cambridge

Model based clustering of time-dependent observations with common historical shocks
Luca Danese, Università degli Studi di Milano - Bicocca

A Bayesian repulsive mixture model for multivariate functional data Ricardo Pedroso, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

Summarizing Bayesian Nonparametric Mixture Posterior - Sliced Optimal Transport Metrics for Gaussian Mixtures
Khai Nguyen, UT Austin

14:30 - 16:00

Blackwell-Rosenbluth Award 2

Giovanni Rebaudo, University of Turin, Graph-Aligned Random Partition Model (GARP)
Abstract →

Tommaso Rigon, University of Milano-Bicocca, Bayesian analysis of product feature allocation models
Abstract →

Francesca Romana Crucinio, University of Turin, Towards a turnkey approach to unbiased Monte Carlo estimation of smooth functions of expectations (with applications to exponential random graphs)
Abstract →

16:00 - 17:00

Keynote talk - Julia Palacios

Novel coalescent point process approaches for Bayesian inference of disease and molecular dynamics
Abstract →

17:00 - 17:30

j-ISBA Concluding Remarks and Awards Announcement

Abstract submission

We invite contributions on various topics related to Bayesian theory, methods, and applications. Please submit an extended abstract of 700 to 1,000 words in PDF format.
Please adhere to the specified length to ensure full consideration of your submission.
Abstract submission is closed (deadline: January 15, 2025).
Submission decision notifications were sent on March 5, 2025.


Registration Deadline: 31 March 2025
Instructions: To register, click the "Register" button below and complete the form.
If you wish to apply the j-ISBA member discount, you must first visit and log in (the login button is in the top right corner of the homepage). After logging in, return to the BAYSM2025 website and click the "Register" button below.
Please ensure that the "Primary Email Address" field in the registration form is correct, as this is where you will receive both the payment receipt and your personal access link for the conference.
If you encounter any issues, please do not hesitate to contact the conference organizing committee at .


$50 USD

j-ISBA members

$5 USD
How to become a j-ISBA member
To become a j-ISBA member, you must first be an ISBA member.
If you are already an ISBA member but not yet a j-ISBA member, you can enroll in j-ISBA here.
If you are not an ISBA member, you can enroll in both ISBA and j-ISBA here.
Please note that early career researchers who have graduated from a degree program in the last 5 years can enjoy the reduced ISBA fee.

Fee exempted

$0 USD
People who reside and work in countries with a per capita GNI not exceeding $6,000 per person are exempt from the fee.
Registration is mandatory for everyone and required to receive the link to attend the conference.


For any questions, please write to .

j-ISBA website:

j-ISBA twitter:


Scientific committee

Filippo Ascolani, Duke Univeristy
Elizabeth Bersson, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Ayush Bharti, Aalto University
Jordan Bryan, University of North Carolina
Noirrit Kiran Chandra, The University of Texas at Dallas
Francesca Romana Crucinio, University of Turin
Yunshan Duan, Univesity of Texas at Austin
Beatrice Franzolini, Bocconi University
Matteo Giordano, University of Turin
Jack Jewson, Monash University
Kyeongwon Lee, University of Maryland
Ilsang Ohn, Inha University
Sally Paganin, The Ohio State University
Francesca Panero, Sapienza University
Paul Rosa, University of Oxford
Angélica M. Rosario Santos, University of Puerto Rico
Michael Minyi Zhang, University of Hong Kong
Alessandro Zito, Harvard University

Organizing committee

Filippo Ascolani, Duke Univeristy
Jordan Bryan, University of North Carolina
Beatrice Franzolini, Bocconi University
Matteo Giordano, University of Turin
Beniamino Hadj-Amar, Rice University
Francesca Panero, Sapienza University
Alessandro Zito, Harvard University


Want to become a sponsor? Get in touch with j-ISBA at