BAYSM 2025 is the 9th edition of the Bayesian Young Statisticians Meeting: the official conference of j-ISBA, the junior section of the International Society for Bayesian Analysis (ISBA).
BAYSM is held in person in even-numbered years, typically in conjunction with the ISBA World Meeting, and online in odd-numbered years. BAYSM 2025 will be a fully online conference.
BAYSM is a platform for students and early career researchers to interconnect with the Bayesian community.
It is an opportunity to get in touch with established senior researchers and start building a knowledge network.
The platform encourages discussion and promotes research in a wide spectrum of fields where Bayesian methods are employed.
All attendees are expected to adhere to the ISBA code of conduct and related policies provided by safeISBA.
A recollection of all previous BAYSM editions can be found here.
Julyan Arbel, Inria - Univ. Grenoble Alpes
Alexandros Beskos, University College London
Luiz Max Carvalho, Fundação Getulio Vargas
Sameer K. Deshpande, University of Wisconsin–Madison
Sandra Fortini, Bocconi University
Peter Hoff, Duke University
Matteo Iacopini, Luiss University
Pierre E. Jacob, ESSEC Business School
Galin Jones, University of Minnesota
Gregor Kastner, University of Klagenfurt
Fabrizio Leisen, King’s College London
Lizhen Lin, University of Maryland
Hedibert Lopes, INSPER Institute of Education and Research
Peter Mueller, University of Texas at Austin
Long Nguyen, University of Michigan
Garritt Page, Brigham Young University
Catia Scricciolo, University of Verona
Yanxun Xu, Johns Hopkins University
Corwin Zigler, Brown University
The schedule below is in UTC+0. Please note that UTC+0 will not be in use anywhere in the world from April 7 to 11. Additionally, some countries will have switched to daylight saving time in March. Please carefully check the time of the sessions you are interested in. You can download an Excel file with the schedule in multiple time zones by clicking the "Download the schedule in multiple time zones" button above. This file correctly accounts for daylight saving time, ensuring that all time conversions reflect the actual times in April.
Registration Deadline: 31 March 2025
Instructions: To register, click the "Register" button below and complete the form.
If you wish to apply the j-ISBA member discount, you must first visit and log in
(the login button is in the top right corner of the homepage). After logging in, return to the BAYSM2025 website and click the "Register" button below.
Please ensure that the "Primary Email Address" field in the registration form is correct, as this is where you will receive both the payment receipt and
your personal access link for the conference.
If you encounter any issues, please do not hesitate to contact the conference organizing committee at .
Filippo Ascolani, Duke Univeristy
Elizabeth Bersson, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Ayush Bharti, Aalto University
Jordan Bryan, University of North Carolina
Noirrit Kiran Chandra, The University of Texas at Dallas
Francesca Romana Crucinio, University of Turin
Yunshan Duan, Univesity of Texas at Austin
Beatrice Franzolini, Bocconi University
Matteo Giordano, University of Turin
Jack Jewson, Monash University
Kyeongwon Lee, University of Maryland
Ilsang Ohn, Inha University
Sally Paganin, The Ohio State University
Francesca Panero, Sapienza University
Paul Rosa, University of Oxford
Angélica M. Rosario Santos, University of Puerto Rico
Michael Minyi Zhang, University of Hong Kong
Alessandro Zito, Harvard University
Filippo Ascolani, Duke Univeristy
Jordan Bryan, University of North Carolina
Beatrice Franzolini, Bocconi University
Matteo Giordano, University of Turin
Beniamino Hadj-Amar, Rice University
Francesca Panero, Sapienza University
Alessandro Zito, Harvard University